"A church without a heart for missions is a church without the heart of Christ." - Pastor
Our goal of submitting ourselves to God, so we can "become all things to all men, that we might by all means save some: 1 Cor. 9:22, is lived out fully through our mission outreach. We have two primary focuses of outreach, home and abroad.
Our Home Missions is just that; needs at home. Besides supporting other outreach programs in the community that may offer assistance to those needing food, clothing, etc., we evaluate each circumstance on an "as need basis." We strive to do unto others as Christ would have us do.
The physical need is the first area of care; but we know that the body is made up of body, soul, and spirit. Therefore, the complete person must be cared for.
Although, the demand is far reaching we do our best to minister in this area with grace.
The great commission of Christ to the church says, "Go ye therefore, into all the world and preach the gospel."
Recently our local body has adopted as Harvest Partners the nation of Ecuador. Each year our local congregation raises funds by various methods to support the missionaries there. These funds also support orphanages, build churches, schools, provides medical assistance and feed the needy. Much prayer is offered up by our congregation for this work. In the future, we hope to send a group from our local church to visit first hand this vast mission field.
In addition to our ministry of grace to Ecuador, we take on special projects. Most recently, we helped victims of the tornadoes of Pulaski, and sent funds to assist mission outreach in Pakistan.